Friday, September 30, 2005

I've been tagged

Ok, I haven't really been tagged but I thought this was as good a way as any of updating my blog. So here goes.

7 things I plan to do before I die.

1. Lose weight. Those of you who know me...well enough said.
2. Get a tattoo. This will only happen of course, if I have lost weight, and if my skin doesn't react violently to the ink which could bloody happen.
3. Write a novel. I really want to do this, but I haven't been struck by inspiration as yet. I have no topic to write on. I want to write something other than mindless romantic crap although (and I say this very sadly) I've been told that I do fluff and angst and porn extremely well.
4. Go on a cruise around the world. I've traveled quite a bit but this is one thing that I have yet to do.
5. Go on one of those flights that simulate zero gravity. I would love to actually go to space but let's be realistic here.
6. Visit a hydrosphere. What? If I go up I have to come down...all the way down don't ya think?
7. Be this really ultra famous barrister. Hopefully this will happen.

7 I could do.

1. Get through my fucking resits!
2. Achieve a good grade on my LLM.
3. Get a pupillage with a reputable firm for next year.
4. Get an internship with the ECJ or the ICJ.
5. Learn French.
6. Learn German.
7. Learn Spanish.

7 Celebrity Crushes

1. Gary Dourdan
2. George Eads
3. Vin Diesel
4. Will Smith
5. Hugh Jackman/Ryan Reynolds (Hey I've got a list of're lucky I narrowed it down to seven.)
6. Orlando Bloom
7. Angelina Jolie

7 Often Repeated Words

1. Fuck
2. Shit/Shite
3. Bloody
4. Bugger
5. Goddamned
6. Hell
7. Damn

Oh bloody hell I swear a lot! Oops I did it again! Let's just quit now while I'm ahead.

7 Physical Traits That I Look For In The Opposite Sex

1. Tall. (6 feet at least) What can I say I have a thing for tall men.
2. They've got to be built. I don't mean this in a six pack kind of way but they cannot be skinny. I mean I draw the line at any one who's wiry and lanky and skin and bones. I would prefer that my men do not look like they're refugees from Ethiopia.
3. Broad shouldered. The kind you can grab on to. The sort that make you feel like you can rest your burdens on them for a bit and they won't collapse.
4. Nice ass. Enough said.
5. Long legs. Goes hand in hand with the tall bit I suppose.
6. Big Hands. Not for those reasons you perverts! Get your minds out of the gutter. I just like the fact that if they have big hands, mine will look small in comparison.
7. Nice voice. Think Vin Diesel here, kinda smoky, kinda gravelly, all deep!

Having said all that. These are not the things I actually look for in a man. I mean come on. Physical traits? Guys with the physical traits you want are a dime a dozen. What I really look for in a man are the following:

1. Someone who I can talk to. He doesn't necessarily have to agree with my point of view but he would be willing to listen and at least have cogent and relevant arguments as to why he doesn't agree with me.
2. Someone who understands me. I don't want a mind reader but someone who will give me the benefit of the doubt when I do something that he doesn't actually like. I don't verbalise my needs very well so I need somebody who will be able to understand me and maybe provide me with some comfort.
3. Someone who is honest. This is non-negotiable.
4. Someone who is trustworthy. Something else that is non-negotiable.
5. Someone who is hardworking and intelligent. I do not tolerate fools. I don't want Einstein but I do insist that the person has general knowledge, is semi well read, has a viewpoint on something other than bloody football.
6. Someone who is strong. I have a very strong personality and I need someone who is strong enough to stand up to me without trying to control me. I don't want someone overbearing but I need someone who I don't have to worry about using as a doormat.
7. Someone who is dependable. I need someone who I can depend on. This has to be someone who I can share things with. I need someone whom I can trust to get things done. Someone who will share my burdens and not be overwhelmed. I'll give as good as I've got but the whole point of a life partner is someone who will go fifty-fifty on everything. The ups, the downs, the problems and the solutions.

7 People I Can Tag

Well any of the like 5 people who actually read this blog.

I hope you've enjoyed this read.
Just Me.