Saturday, September 11, 2021


Unethical Decision Making.

It can be assumed that this is something that would only matter in an organisation that deals with life or death situations. Organisations that could cause bodily harm or the devastation of livelihood. However, unethical decisions abound in any organisation, big or small. 

Unethical Decisions are essentially decisions that are blatantly unfair or exploitative. Any decision made from a primary position of power serving only self-interests. 

You may be fooled into believing that only bad people do bad things. It is a belief many of us hold dear. That a kind person, a fair person, a friendly person could not possibly make unfair or unethical decisions. This is a fallacy. This notion of good and evil is quite naïve. No one is entirely good nor entirely evil. Serial killers have families and God fearing, family men have created and dropped atom bombs on whole cities! 

You can look at yourself as a truly good person, yet lay the groundwork for unbelievable miscarriages of justice. 

Just Me!  

Tuesday, September 07, 2021


Solitary confinement is a cruel and unusual punishment. 

Let that sink in a minute. 

I grew up watching movies like Shawshank Redemption and even movies as recent as Ocean's Eight referenced solitary confinement. It turns out that the silver lining from the pandemic lockdown is the discovery that solitary confinement amounts to mental torture. People across the world that are sheltering in place, are experiencing the effects of solitary confinement. 

Imagine my surprise when after being told this fact, I make the secondary discovery that I am experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from solitary confinement!

No, I have not been in solitary confinement. Let me qualify that. I have not been in physical solitary isolation. However, I have been in solitary isolation inside my head for my entire life. Hence, the PTSD. It is galling to discover that I have given myself PTSD. 

How did I do that? 
I don't fit in. After years of trying to fit into family that don't understand you, friends who think you odd, society that derides you for failing to conform, I looked for somewhere to hide. My elegant solution was to create a little cell block in my head and confine myself to it. 

I used it as a survival mechanism and it worked for a good long while. However, I have the time now to exit survival mode and thrive. 

So I shall leave you with this:
Forgive yourself for the things you did to survive. Get better, be better, get healthy. 

Just Me.