Saturday, September 11, 2021


Unethical Decision Making.

It can be assumed that this is something that would only matter in an organisation that deals with life or death situations. Organisations that could cause bodily harm or the devastation of livelihood. However, unethical decisions abound in any organisation, big or small. 

Unethical Decisions are essentially decisions that are blatantly unfair or exploitative. Any decision made from a primary position of power serving only self-interests. 

You may be fooled into believing that only bad people do bad things. It is a belief many of us hold dear. That a kind person, a fair person, a friendly person could not possibly make unfair or unethical decisions. This is a fallacy. This notion of good and evil is quite naïve. No one is entirely good nor entirely evil. Serial killers have families and God fearing, family men have created and dropped atom bombs on whole cities! 

You can look at yourself as a truly good person, yet lay the groundwork for unbelievable miscarriages of justice. 

Just Me!  

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