Sunday, November 01, 2020


The re-reading of the previous post, has seriously derailed this one.

The pandemic still rages on. However, the reaction and the response has become imbecilic. While initially the response was warranted, they announced the changes without thought to the enforcement of the SOPs, without direction to the implementation of the SOPs and just a general disregard for the livelihood of the nation. 

As time wore on, the chain of infection seemed to be under control and certainly, it was low enough that foolishly, we thought it was over. I think what people don't seem to realise is that this virus is never going to go away. It's a virus. A virus is notoriously hard to kill, nigh impossible even. People forget that it took almost 20 years for us to come up with a way to manage HIV. There is still no cure for it. There is no vaccination against it and ironically, the only protection against it is a mask for your dick!

There is no chance of waiting out the virus. It is a question of learning to live with it. It is about being mindful of personal hygiene. It is about eating right and boosting immunity. It is about wearing masks in public. It is about sanitising hands and high touch surfaces. It is about leaving contact tracing information so you can be informed of an infection. That's it. There is no other way around it. 

Just Me. 

Friday, May 08, 2020


I am grateful to have in my life a fair mix of people who can appreciate the big picture view of things. 

The Covid-19 virus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has really driven home, the prevalence of close minded, small picture thinking. It was facts that I already knew, but I still find myself reacting to the sheer abundance of sheep mentality. 

The number of people for instance who have made this huge fuss about the easing of the MCO. Bearing in mind that the lockdown has not been lifted completely, it is still amazing to me the reactions I see online from people I consider to be rational adults. 

The vast majority of the social responses I see is that the government has put money over the lives of people. That is really short sighted thinking. At some point, saving lives and livelihoods really overlap to the point that they are one and the same. 

The virus does not come with an expiration date and there was no guarantee that had the MCO be extended in its entirety till the May 12th, that the curve would have been flattened. 
It exhibits a hell of a small minded, ignorance. The curve that has been flattened may not stay flattened. 

I am grateful that I work for people who are understanding of this and who can understand what it is like to have to look at the big picture. 

Just Me.

Friday, April 17, 2020


It is the time to get to know yourself.
I have realised that I like to write.
I am a writer, I am not a copywriter.
To a lay person, that seems like a contradiction in terms.
Is it not  the same thing?
The truth is, it is not.
A writer is an artist.
A writer writes from their own point of view.
A copywriter is one who writes from another's point of view.
I have realised that I believe in my point of view too strongly to be a copywriter.
I cannot change styles. I am beyond that point.

So I am grateful that I have come to that realisation.
I am grateful that I have achieved self-awareness.
I am grateful that I have managed to hold on to my sense of self despite the industry I am in.
I am grateful for my self awareness.
I am grateful for my mental strength.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Sometimes that reason is something that could have been avoided. 
Is it defeatism to say after a wasted day, that 'obviously' you "needed" the rest? Or positivity?
If you laze the day away, are you just making yourself feel better at the end of it when nothing you planned got done?

I don't know if there is a right or wrong answer for this...but I don't like the feeling that I am constantly working. On a weekend, I don't want to be working. To me, dishes, cleaning, folding, WORK! Worse, it is work I don't even like and am not being paid for. 

So tonight I am expressing gratitude for time off. 
I do need the rest. 
I do not get enough of it on a normal day. 
I will get more 'work' in during the work week. 
I refuse to feel guilty about it. 


Friday, April 10, 2020


The Prime Minister just announced that there will be an extension of another 2 weeks of this Movement Control Order. A majority of the country is reeling. 
I think however, that most of us knew it was coming. It would take a special brand of escapism to ignore the reality of it. 
If one were to examine the situation logically, it would be obvious that a 2 week lockdown would do next to nothing to 'flatten the curve'. It would however, have incited a full scale panic if the government had announced a 4 or even 6 week lock down all at once. 
So here we are, going into the 5th and 6th week of the lock down. Unless people react very foolishly, it will be the last two weeks of this. 
It is a bitter pill to swallow, but all medicine is. Medicine that isn't bitter is usually ineffective. 
It is no small sacrifice that has been asked of the nation and most of them have reacted in the exactly the way you would expect; ignoring the order, downplaying the situation and generally making things worse. 
Those of us who saw this coming, have a plan for work for the next two weeks. 
I am grateful that I foresaw this and I am grateful that I work with people who expected this. 
I am blessed to have work and I am blessed to have stimulating work. 
I am worried for the state of my family, my friends, the country and the world, but even in this there is a blessing as the lack of human activity has reduced pollution. So as we stay indoors and save ourselves, the world is drawing it's first clean breath of air. 

Sunday, April 05, 2020


Counting my blessings is harder than you might think. 
I think it is in our nature to dwell on the things that are lacking in your life instead of focussing on the blessings you have. 
Sometimes it takes a little bit of doing. 
However, one thing I am always grateful for are the people in my life. 
I have my fair share of idiots, let's be honest, who doesn't? 
On the whole however, I have been blessed by the people in my life. 
Well meaning family, irritating always but the love is always there. 
I have also been blessed to work with family. 
It was a hard decision to make to work with family and I was advised against it, by many, many people. 
Truth be told, I was unsure, I was worried and I was scared of ruining relationships. 
However, after 3 years of full time work, I count it as one of my blessings. 
I will never underestimate the blessing of having people who understand you. 
I will never take for granted the blessing of working with family that appreciate you. 
For someone as outspoken as I am, I am constantly grateful that I am with a group of people who take the time to understand that the honesty, is not merely hurtful. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020


I have lost count of how many days it has been since the Movement Control Order started. 
It gets harder to count my blessings. 
It is easier to focus on the 10,000 things that annoy me! 
However, I know that this is the purpose I told myself to do this journal. 
Focus creates reality. 
If I focus on how annoying my bosses are, they are going to get more fucking annoying. 
The truth is, everyone is going through a hard time. 
I am grateful that I have a comfortable home. 
I am grateful for this time that I have to reflect on my life and the direction I want it to take. 

Friday, March 27, 2020


In the hopes of learning to see the bright side of things, I am starting a gratitude journal. 
It's pretty simple actually. 
Just a little way for me to count my blessings. 
The whole world is going through a difficult time. 
The virus has shaken the very foundations of society as we know it. 
Everyday I wake up and I feel like I am dreaming. 
More and more everyday, it feels like we are in a bad zombie movie. 
So the best way to stay sane is count my blessings, no matter how small. 
When your world is reduced to four walls and a roof, it's best to use the time to focus on the good things. 
I am grateful for my health. 
I am grateful that my body has resilience despite the years of abuse I put it through and still continue to put it through. 
I am grateful that despite the world falling to pieces, my family is sheltered and well-fed. 
I am grateful that despite my mother's suspect health, we have the means and opportunity to get her the treatment she needs. 
I am grateful that because of this lockdown I could take her to her appointment with any guilt or any distractions. 
I am grateful that because of this lockdown, the doctor was able to give her his full attention. 
I am grateful that because of this lockdown, we did not have to wait very long. 
I am grateful that because of this lockdown I am able to learn to manage my time.