Sunday, April 05, 2020


Counting my blessings is harder than you might think. 
I think it is in our nature to dwell on the things that are lacking in your life instead of focussing on the blessings you have. 
Sometimes it takes a little bit of doing. 
However, one thing I am always grateful for are the people in my life. 
I have my fair share of idiots, let's be honest, who doesn't? 
On the whole however, I have been blessed by the people in my life. 
Well meaning family, irritating always but the love is always there. 
I have also been blessed to work with family. 
It was a hard decision to make to work with family and I was advised against it, by many, many people. 
Truth be told, I was unsure, I was worried and I was scared of ruining relationships. 
However, after 3 years of full time work, I count it as one of my blessings. 
I will never underestimate the blessing of having people who understand you. 
I will never take for granted the blessing of working with family that appreciate you. 
For someone as outspoken as I am, I am constantly grateful that I am with a group of people who take the time to understand that the honesty, is not merely hurtful. 

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