Thursday, December 05, 2002

Astrology, fortune telling, divination, tarot cards, cyrstal balls. Some of the methods used to tell the future. We're so preoccupied with the future. That's what we think about all the time. Everything we do is geared towards the future. In work, in study, in play no one thinks about where the are, except when they are thinking about it in relation to where the want to be. I am reminded of Yoda in the Empire Strikes Back. He was saying that Luke was always thinking of the future. His mind always on where he wanted to be never on where he is. I think that is true of all us. We spend our childhood eagerly waiting to grow up. Rushing toward it. Then we progress into our teens thinking we're adults. We rush about trying to be 'grown up'. We speed along the path looking ahead always trying to catch up and be somewhere else. We end up frustrated that we never get to where we're going because where we want to be is always far off in the future. We never realise that the reason for our unhappiness and frustration is our own ever changing expectations. Our expectations keep moving ahead. We reach the goals we set for ourselves today and then we discover that we've already set a new goal. Then we realise that we can never reach our goals because they move as we do. They move forward as we move forward. As if that isn't bad enough, we're also curious. There is a burning desire to know what lies in our future, to see if we can evade the bad luck that lies ahead. My cousin was told that in his future lies a terrible accident. Now he is sitting grounded by his mother because death is supposed to haunt him on wheels. I can't say I don't believe in divination but if we were to believe in everything that is predicted in our future, we'd never leave the house and still we'd die if our time were up. Live your life to the fullest. That way you die with no regrets. A friend once told me the most profound thing I have ever heard. He said, we start dying from the moment we are born. And if that is true and there is no doubt that it is, the only thing we can do is to enjoy the life that we have been given. We were put on this world to learn. We learn everyday. We have lessons that are taught to us everyday that we are alive. We learn to be better people. That's the meaning of life. If we were to concentrate on the present and a little less on the future, I have no doubt that we would be happier.
Always believe that where you are today is exactly where you were meant to be.
Just Me.

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