Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day. It's a day you show your mother you appreciate her. My initial thought was 'what bollocks!'. Mother's day is just so much commercial bullshit conjured up by the greeting card company. Somehow over time, the greeting card companies, the florists have brainwashed all of us into believing that a card on this one special day of the year makes up for the fact that we take our mothers for granted the rest of the year. It's like how the florists have men believing that a bouquet of flowers will make up for the fact that they've been callous assholes.

Anyway, that was my initial thought. I have however, begun to see some merit in it. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy into any of the hullabaloo over cards and flowers and gifts and such. However, I look at Mother's Day as a kind of birthday. It's one day in the year when I overlook all the myriad ways that my mother drives me up the wall. I try not to give rein to my anger or irritation.

I love my mother. I truly love her and she's a really wonderful person. I just don't like her very much. She is demanding and unreasonable and old-fashioned and paranoid and quite simply annoys the living daylights out of me. So for one day in the whole year...two if you count her birthday, I bite my tongue and let her interfering, inane remarks roll off me like water off a duck's back.

Dear God, give me strength!

Just Me.

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