Friday, October 23, 2009

God Grant Me Patience

This is an update about the planned trip to the US that my family was supposed to make. Unfortunately because they spent so much time ‘faffing’ about the details of the trip, it never happened. So it fell to me to plan a mini vacation for my mother and sister in lieu of the US trip.
The downside of that plan was of course the fact that I was still planning this mini vacation for the same fickle, hard to please, bunch of people. Needless to say, I faced the same problems. I finally settled taking them on little two day breaks to places like Lumut, Genting, and Port Dickson. Of course, I planned it around the myriad of things that my mother had to do. While she was willing to put aside these things for a trip to the States, obviously she wasn’t going to put it aside for these mini vacations.
Despite my careful planning, my entire schedule went to hell in a hand basket. Firstly my mother didn’t want to go to Lumut, she preferred to go to Genting Highlands instead. In accordance with her wishes, we decided that we would spend more time in the casino in Genting instead. However, in keeping with our bad luck, there was a landslide on the road to Genting. My mother then vetoed the trip up the Highland, which even I was understandably nervous about, considering I would be the one doing the driving. Anyway, the three location mini vacation became just a single overnight stay at Port Dickson, because I had vouchers for a 2 day 1 night stay at a place called Eagle Ranch Resort. The brochure looked very inviting and we were excited about it. However, it was only upon arrival that we discovered an isolated ranch style resort, miles away from the beach with nothing to recommend it but the groovy living quarters. I could go on about the horrible place but that’s another story altogether.
So my sister was on a month long break and we effectively did nothing at all. She was happy to do nothing and during that month, so was my mother. However, the moment the month ended, my mother began complaining about the lack of activity, which admittedly I completely expected. I knew going into this month of ‘relaxation’ that I would be damned if I do, damned if I don’t. True to my expectations that was exactly what happened.
Instead my mother, my sister and I spent the entire month shopping, visiting family and just generally lounging. I played chauffeur to them 24/7 for an entire month and then drove them up north when my sister’s holiday ended, spent a week there preparing for Deepavalli, and celebrated the Festival of Lights up north with my extended family. My only consolation for this hellish nightmare was the fact that I looked awesome. The weight loss is marvellous. I feel fantastic and I look almost normal, i.e. I don’t look like the Marshmallow Man, or woman.
So after babysitting my mother and sister for a month, driving them around and catering to their fickle whims, I am now stuck babysitting my father! Dear God, give me the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Most of all, I beg you dear God, give me the strength to survive my family!
Just Me.

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