Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I made a promise a month ago that I would spend at least 30 minutes a day writing in this blog. I think it's pretty obvious that hasn't happened.
However, I was required to draft a letter for work. Without going into specifics, I just couldn't do it. I had panic attacks and mental blocks. I spent the week stress eating and bingeing. I can't imagine where this fear has come from.
I have been writing all my life. Throughout high school and college, I was stereotyped as the writer. So why can't I put pen to paper now?
The mere thought of writing something for someone else to read is enough to give me palpitations. When did this happen? How did I get this phobia? I try to keep such a close watch on my neuroses and this one crept up on me. I got blindsided.
So what do I do now?
I guess I just have to power through it. I just don't know how.
Just Me.

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