Thursday, December 08, 2016

Long time overdue

It's been awhile since I posted something and I thought now would be as a good a time as any. Britain has exited the EU, Trump is President and we live in a world gone mad. Nothing has changed in my little corner of the universe. I am still insecure, lazy, overweight and unemployed. Lest I forget, I am also depressed, obviously. I have a million unrealised plans, that may work. The only problem is, I cannot find the motivation to work them. Worse still, I take the first step and then let my doubts obliterate it. Self-sabotage, fear of success and all that. So what do I do? Oddly enough this is something I have no plan for. I have to take it one day at a time I guess.
Just Me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Curvette of the year 2016!

So this blog is about airing my issues. I have always had a boatload of issues. Body image issues, weight management issues, mental health issues, fear of success issues, family issues, I could go on and on.
So this post is an elaboration on my previous post. I wrote the previous entry to psyche myself up. I was encouraged by one of the coaches at my gym, to enter an annual competition held by the gym. They canvas their membership across 11 branches looking for the best 'success' story. I was reluctant. I am an intensely private person. I don't actually like talking about myself. I agreed to enter the competition on a whim and then spent a couple of months procrastinating. I finally wrote up the piece and submitted it at literally the 11th hour. (Un)Luckily for me, my coaches managed to get the piece entered into the competition. I had thought that was the end of it. I honestly did not expect to hear anymore of it. Little did I know that I was not done, instead I get a call from HQ telling me that I had been shortlisted as a semi-finalist! I am subjected to a phone interview and then invited to a Morning of Empowerment. The good news doesn't end there! The sponsors have asked for models to model their lingerie and their clothes. I get chosen for that too! So I get to go for fittings - like models do, and then I get to play model for a day. It was a wonderful experience. I almost felt like I won the competition. It wasn't until a few days after that I even realised that it was only the beginning. I only realised that my journey had not ended when I got the second call telling me that I had been chosen as a finalist! Soon after I got to play model again, complete with a photo shoot! It was unbelievably exciting and honestly an experience I never thought I would ever have!
'It is not the destination, it is the journey that is important.' I am enjoying the journey. I have been given the opportunity to play model. I have been dressed and primped and photographed. It is a fabulous experience. If anyone had told me 10 years ago, that this journey was even in my future I would have laughed. 10 years ago, this was dream. It actually was a dream. I have always dreamed of being a model. I always want to dress up. I look for occasions where I can. I have never in my life been able to dress up. 10 years ago, when I dressed up, it looked like I had put lipstick on a pig!
Having this chance was amazing. I got to play model for the day, spokesperson for a day, role model for the other gym members. It's a lot of pressure and so far I have been holding up well. I know myself though, eventually, I am going to crack under the pressure.
Just Me!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Weight Management

My last post was 3 years ago and I realise my main concern has not changed. When did I become this person obsessed with weight? I suppose I have always had body image issues. I wanted to believe that those issues went away when I lost weight. I realise now that was  wishful thinking.
Body image issues start young. I don't know how it started or what caused it but those issues, stuck fast. Chubby baby to fat kid to overweight teen to obese young adult. The transition was constant but every step along that path, the self-loathing grew along with my weight.
Today understanding the issues and changing my mindset has not improved my relationship with food. I have not achieved my ideal weight and every setback is like a knife to my heart.
It has gotten better in the last year. I have joined a gym and I understand that, while my weight may fluctuate, I am in control. I know the causes and I can control my urges.
The main cause of the weight, other than the idiotic sweet tooth I have, is that I stress eat. The lack of progress in the other areas of my life is such a constant cause of stress that I eat my feelings.
So how do I break this vicious cycle?
Just Me!