Sunday, February 06, 2022


Can everyone do everything?
Should everyone want to everything?
I read somewhere recently the harmful side effects of the mindfulness movement. 
One of the side effect appears to be depression. I admit, I do not see how the one leads to the other. 
However, I am a great believer in moderation and I do know that any principle misapplied can lead to damage. 
To that end, this idea that anyone can do anything and all skills can be learned, is a rather damaging prospect. 
On the face of it, it seems like a positive, energising, uplifting mantra. However, not everyone can learn everything. Not everyone can do everything. Indeed not everyone wants to. So when you are put in an environment where you are surrounded by people who tell you that you can do it and you almost believe it and you fail, you are left with no one to blame but yourself. 
All that heartache has nowhere to go but inwards. 
Just Me. 

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