Tuesday, February 05, 2013

My life so far

So my first post of 2013. It's been all of two months into the new year and I feel like I am drowning. That's just a freaking awesome feeling. 
I suppose it's also simply me being a little melodramatic. I mean I am looking at possibly getting a holiday to America in the next month. Pretty sweet right? NOT!
I don't want to go to America! I know, I know, for many people it's the promised land where dreams come true and all that. It just doesn't do it for me. To be honest, I don't know if that is because I genuinely do not want to go or just a case of sour grapes because I know the Americans won't give me a goddamn visa! 
I think it's a little bit of both. A lot more of the latter,  although I dread going on holiday with my family. I mean I can't get away from them on a good day! Being stuck with my family in a foreign country where I cannot run away or go off to work, or get in my car and drive is as close to a waking nightmare as it can get. 
I have a neurotic,fickle minded mother, who is never happy. An old-fashioned, pedantic father, who never listens to anything anyone says. A sister who is a petulant 5 year old stuck in the body of a 25 year old and brother whom I haven't seen in 13 years! I am the oldest and the screw up. Oh joy!
My first order of business in the new year...apply for a US tourist visa. In other words, I have to now waste about 160 bucks on an application for a visa that will most likely be turned down to go visit a country I am not even sure I want to go to!
Really, this is my life! I kid you not!
Just me. 

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